In this fast-paced and multi-faceted industry, it pays to stay informed and up to date about technology development, trends, manufacturers, the distribution channel, and supply and demand. All these elements are in continual evolution.
As professional independent distributors, Electronic Partner is always busy talking to suppliers and customers, strategically placing us to identify and monitor developments as they happen. Our blog discusses news about our company, our activities, products and services, and provides information to help and guide our customers in navigating this highly competitive and constantly changing sector.
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We only use proven and referenced supply channels. The goods we supply are tested by external test houses that we have selected over the years and who advise on the tests to be performed based on the history of non-conformities for each specific product. Our non-conformities are thus zero in an industry that saw an explosion of counterfeiting during the Covid-19 pandemic.
We will exchange goods for the same conditions (economic, procurement, etc.) and if that is not possible we issue an immediate refund for the value of the goods. Please read our terms and conditions for more details.
The testing laboratories we use are among the most widely recognised in the world. They recommend which tests to perform based on the specific component and the history of non-conformities found in other batches and provide a quote for our customer. Upon acceptance of the quote, we ship the goods to the laboratory. The customer receives the test results and related documentation. If deemed sufficient, we place the order and proceed with delivery of the goods. Alternatively, the customer can request additional tests to be conducted, which follow the same procedure.
Typically, a customer requests an offer from several suppliers, each of which will make their best offer. However, if several of these suppliers each contact the same wholesaler for a price on the identical items, that company perceiving an increased interest in the product may raise its prices. Similarly, in the case of lead-time articles, the manufacturer may perceive an increase in demand and therefore decide to maintain a high margin on the article.
If customers communicate the best offer they have received, we can jointly decide on the price-quantity-delivery-warranty-payment target to be achieved without risking market disruptions and price manipulation.
In addition, the offer of an immediate order is an incentive for suppliers and stimulates them to actually make their best offer – even at low margins.
In the event that no supplier is able to improve on the jointly agreed target price, we forward you the market rationale to enable you to optimise negotiations with your suppliers.
We purchase from more competitive markets and supply channels. Our suppliers offer us conditions that are granted to very few others in the world. They are able to do this because they work exclusively with highly referenced sales channels that, like us, only make enquiries based on realistic target prices and with an order in hand.
Absolutely nothing – it is one of our added values compared to competitors.